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Gaming is a huge industry, and it’s only getting bigger. In fact, the global gaming market is expected to be worth over $350 billion by 2023. That’s a lot of money! So what are the 10 most lucrative gaming markets in the world? Let’s take a look.

1. United States: The United States is the largest gaming market in the world. It is estimated to be worth around $26 billion, with more than 200 million active players.

2. China: China is a close second, with an estimated market value of over $20 billion. Its massive population and growing middle class mean it’s likely to remain a top contender for years to come.

3. Japan: Japan has been one of the most influential countries on the gaming scene since the 1980s and continues to dominate the Asian gaming industry today. It makes up approximately 15% of global revenue and has an estimated value of around $13 billion.

4. Germany: Germany is another major player in the world of gaming, particularly in the PC space. It has a strong mobile market and an estimated value of over $10 billion.

5. South Korea: Home to some of the biggest eSports tournaments, South Korea is a powerhouse in the world of gaming. Its estimated value is nearly $7 billion.

6. United Kingdom: The UK is one of Europe’s largest markets for both console and PC gaming – making up around 8% of total global revenue. It currently stands at an estimated value of over $6 billion.

7. France: Though not as large as some other European countries, France still makes up around 4% of total global revenue and has an estimated market value of over $3 billion.

8. Brazil: With a population of more than 200 million, Brazil is one of the most populous countries in South America and has an estimated gaming market value of over $2 billion.

9. Canada: Canada makes up around 3% of total global revenue and has an estimated market value of nearly $2 billion.

10. Spain: Though not as large as some other European countries, Spain still stands out as a major player in the world of gaming – particularly in the mobile space. It currently stands at an estimated value of over $1 billion.

These 10 markets are some of the biggest and most lucrative in the world, accounting for more than two-thirds of total global revenue from gaming. They represent a massive opportunity for developers, publishers, and other industry players to tap into the growing demand for gaming worldwide. As these markets continue to grow and evolve, it’s likely that they will remain key drivers of the global gaming industry.


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