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The iGaming market is growing rapidly all over the world, and Western Europe is no exception.
In this report, we will take a look at the current state of the iGaming market in Western Europe and make projections for how it will grow over the next five years.

We will also examine some of the key trends that are shaping this market and discuss what players can expect in terms of regulations and opportunities in the coming years.

The iGaming market in Western Europe is estimated to be worth €25 billion in 2023, compared to the €17.5 billion that was recorded in 2018.

This indicates an average growth rate of 8% per year over the past five years.

In terms of revenue, iGaming accounts for around 10% of the entire gambling industry in Western Europe and is predicted to continue growing in this area as more countries start regulating it.

In terms of regulation, iGaming is still relatively new but has been rapidly accepted across most countries in Western Europe.

The majority of European countries have now passed legislation specifically targeting iGaming providers, with some even introducing taxation on iGaming services and products.

However, there are still some holdouts such as France, Germany, and Italy which are yet to regulate iGaming.

As the iGaming market continues to expand in Western Europe, it is expected that new technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality will have a major impact on how iGaming services are delivered.

Additionally, mobile iGaming is projected to take up an increasingly large share of the total iGaming revenue pie over the next five years.

This will be driven by factors such as improved connectivity speeds, more widespread use of smartphones and tablets, and better user experiences being provided by iGaming websites.

Overall, the iGaming market in Western Europe is expected to continue growing at a steady pace over the next five years as regulations become clearer and new technologies open up further opportunities for iGaming providers.

This growth should create a variety of new opportunities for iGaming companies and players alike, making the iGaming market in Western Europe one to watch out for over the next few years.

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